Tuesday, December 10, 2019

PJ and Stuffy Day!

We had such a fun day today! We were excited to play with our stuffies and show them what Grade 1 is all about.

This morning we wrote stories with our stuffies. We worked with a partner to create a setting and used our stuffies as the characters. Then, we wrote our stories in our green journals.

Next, we had snack with our stuffies.

Then, we taught our stuffies how to use the iPads. We worked together to record a partner sharing what they know about patterns. At lunch our stuffies were responsible for watching the iPads while we went outside! That was a pretty big responsibilities for our stuffies. They did a great job!

This afternoon, we brainstormed a list of what our stuffies might need for their sleepover tonight at Maple Ridge. Our list included: food, water, beds, blankets, pillows, a bathroom, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, a stuffy to cuddle, a game (incase they get bored, or can't sleep) and a picture of their owner (incase they feel lonely overnight).

At the end of the day, we took our stuffies to music with Mrs. Hebenton. Then, we did bedtime yoga and put our stuffies to sleep.

The teachers are just getting ready to head out for the night. We have checked on all of the stuffies and they are fast asleep! Some of them are even snoring! Nite nite! See you in the morning stuffies!

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